All Options

JS-Confuser provides a wide range of options to customize the obfuscation process. Below is a list of all available options in the obfuscator.

  • Remember, presets can be used to quickly apply a set of options to the obfuscator.

Build Settings

Option Description
Target The execution context for your output.
Pack Packs the output code into a single Function() call. Designed to escape strict mode constraints.


Option Description
Identifier Generator Determines how variables are renamed.
Rename Variables Determines if variables should be renamed.
Rename Globals Renames top-level variables, turn this off for web-related scripts. Enabled by default.
Rename Labels Renames labeled control-flow statements, and removes unnecessary labels. Enabled by default.
Moved Declarations Moves variable declarations to the top of the context.


Option Description
String Compression String Compression uses zlib compression algorithm to compress strings.
String Concealing String Concealing involves encoding strings to conceal plain-text values.
Custom String Encodings Custom String Encodings allows you to define your own string encoding/decoding functions.
String Encoding String Encoding transforms a string into an encoded representation.
String Splitting String Splitting splits your strings into multiple expressions.


Option Description
Calculator Creates a calculator function to handle arithmetic and logical expressions.
Object Extraction Extracts object properties into separate variables.
Global Concealing Global Concealing hides global variables being accessed.
Shuffle Shuffles the initial order of arrays. The order is brought back to the original during runtime.
Duplicate Literals Removal Duplicate Literals Removal replaces duplicate literals with a single variable name.


Option Description
Control Flow Flattening Control-flow Flattening hinders program comprehension by creating convoluted switch statements.
Dispatcher Creates a middleman function to process function calls.
Opaque Predicates An Opaque Predicate is a predicate(true/false) that is evaluated at runtime, this can confuse reverse engineers from understanding your code.
Dead Code Randomly injects dead code.
AST Scrambler Semantically changes the AST to bypass automated tools.


Option Description
Variable Masking Local variables are consolidated into a rotating array.
Flatten Brings independent declarations to the highest scope.
RGF RGF (Runtime-Generated-Functions) creates executable code from strings.


Option Description
Domain Lock Ensures the script can only execute on the specified domain. Set the Counter Measures option to control what happens if violated.
Start Date When the program is first able to be used.
End Date When the program is no longer able to be used.
Tamper Protection Tamper Protection safeguards the runtime behavior from being altered by JavaScript pitfalls.
Self Defending Prevents the use of code beautifiers or formatters against your code.
Custom Locks Customize the lock algorithm to your own implementation.
Integrity Integrity ensures the source code is unchanged.
Anti Debug Adds debugger statements throughout the code.
Countermeasures A custom callback function to invoke when a lock is triggered.


Option Description
Hexadecimal Numbers Uses the hexadecimal representation for numbers.
Compact Remove's whitespace from the final output.
Minify Minifies redundant code.
Preserve Function Length Preserves the original function.length property.